How to do PR to get in touch with target audience.

A strong connotation of the image becomes the trait d'union with the outside world and the distinctive feature for success, in an increasingly competitive market. A good PR and Media Relations strategy and an effective communication are essential to hit the target audience.
What are PR?
A PR & Media Relations agency carries out several activities. First of all, the Press Office is responsible of managing and conveying a continuous flow of information to the outside world, in particular with the media, offline and online, through press releases. The media interpret new lifestyles in advance, also thanks to the insights coming from companies, to transmit them to readers/spectators. The press office selects the most suitable channels for news, particular publishing initiatives and contributors that can give a boost to the brand, through the communication of its values, its projects and its products.
Why Media Relations are important?
Media Relations contribute to the development and consolidation of authority, credibility and reputation. They affect people’s perception of a brand and help in building a solid trust on it. The specific task of public relations is to guide opinions, attitudes, behaviour and decisions of influential stakeholders (customers, suppliers, financiers, collaborators) with a decision-making power or able to influence it.
What does event management is?
The events are an activity related to PR, which is part of the communication mix. The event, also online, today is the communication tool that best suits the needs of those who want to launch a new product, promote a service or an idea, able to transform values and image into a concrete experience, lived emotionally by its participants.
How to measure the results of a PR activity?
In a data-driven world, measuring PR actions is extremely complex. Public relations are a process that lasts over time, in which consistency, continuity and personalized approach are key factors. However, quantitative and qualitative criteria can be applied to evaluate the activity.