How to write a press release

Writing a press release is simple, if you know how to do it. Although it is not a particularly creative text, it must be made according to precise rules to present news clearly, neatly and synthetically, using a simple and accessible language to effectively convey its message. If properly constructed and transmitted, the press release will achieve its purpose: to emerge in the increasingly crowded mailboxes of journalists.
The title
Straight to the point: say what you have to say and say it immediately. The watchwords that must guide you are clarity and brevity, to make the recipient understand immediately the topic that will be discussed later, in the text.
The lead
You have very few lines to communicate the news in all its facets. Build your lead using the 5 W rule: Who? What? Where? When? Why? taking care to put on top the most important aspect and leaving out all the superfluous. In a few words the journalist will have at his disposal all the elements to understand if the news is interesting. The real challenge of a professional communicator is to be able to do it objectively and precisely without losing the "tone of voice" of the customer. Each company has its own way of presenting itself. This is a fundamental and distinctive feature, able to make a difference in a market often saturated, where distinguishing authenticity from buzz and starting to trust a brand is not easy: a coherent communication in all its declinations allows to succeed.
The body text
Let’s go into the details but do it carefully. The press release is not a treatise, it must not contain incomprehensible words and inconclusive thoughts. It needs to be as concrete as possible. Make sure to order the concepts in a logical and consequential way and take care of the formatting. This will help the journalist, who will be able to easily derive only the data he considers most interesting, discarding the rest. Where possible and strategic, insert links to landing page or simply online news on the site of the Company will allow the journalist to have a full picture of what is being proposed.
The endnotes
The last lines can be dedicated to the company. You can use a special box, or boilerplate, in which you can insert a very short presentation with the mission, vision, the number of employees and the most relevant data. On the end do not forget to insert your direct contacts and in-depth links, or touchpoints to social pages.
The attachments
The text must be short, but do not skimp on images, videos, drawings (depending on the subject). Take care: you must never send heavy attachments via email. It’s better to use a link to download the file in HD.